Booth number:S-43

NAS Giken, Inc.

Business details

Semiconductor devices are used to control electrical appliances & transportation. Substrate materials for the devices are silicon wafers. We have been developing, manufacturing & selling equipment that recovers metal contaminants on wafer surfaces, which is indispensable for semiconductor industry.

Highlights & Exhibit products


* Obtained International Patent for bevel recovery.
* The world's top-class function and technology in collecting hydrophilic surface.
* High-performance equipment to collect nano metal contamination as well as ions other than heavy metals from the surface and sides (bevel parts) of silicon wafers.
* Scan both hydrophobic and hydrophilic wafers.
* Can sample wafers made of materials other than silicon and wafers whose surface has been roughened by bulk etching. (ex SiC, GaN, blanket film wafer)
* Supply and suction of sampling solution after sampling are performed automatically.

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