Booth number:5A-704

Frontier Laboratories Ltd.

  • New Technology

Business details

We are engaged in basic research, development, and manufacturing of analytical pyrolysis instruments used in the evaluation of polymer materials in industries such as aviation, printing, museums, automotive, forensic investigations, and analysis of microplastics in our food and the environment.

Highlights & Exhibit products

The Frontier Labs booth will be making its debut at JASIS this year. We will exhibit several of our products including a pyrolysis GC analysis system optimized for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of microplastics, the rapid catalyst evaluation system, and a new rapid cryogenic mill. The new mill features rapid and quiet grinding of samples. Please come experience the actual grinding sound and feel for yourself. Our staff will answer your questions.
We will also introduce our latest technology offerings at the New Technology Presentation. We look forward to seeing you at our booth.

New Technology Presentation

Date and time Theme Hall
Sept. 8(Fri) 12:00~12:30 Efficient Cryogenic Mill for polymers and biological samples: Comprehensive techniques and examples 101
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